The internet loves cats. That’s in indisputable fact. Type the word “cat” into any gif generator or image search, and you’ll be bombarded with moving pictures and hilarious memes dedicated to the majestic, fluffy creatures. But if your cat obsession is next-level, and you’re looking for an outlet to share that love with others, we’ve...

Pet owners have long fought like cats and dogs about whether felines or canines make the best furry companions. But now a new study claims that cat owners are smarter than dog owners – regardless of their pet’s intelligence. The research revealed that the owners of the two animals tend to have different personalities –...

ou’re prolly no Sheldon but we know that you love your feline so much that you’re going to get them every item on this list. Cat Taco BedIf you think your cats aren’t jealous when you eat tacos.. think again. This taco bed is made of soft, padded fleece and micro fiber yarn to give...

I recently came across several articles on the web written about a study published in the Animal Cognition journal. According to researchers from Japan designed an experiment to determine whether cats responded to their owner’s voices. The researchers, Atsuko Saito and Kazutaka Shinozuka, concluded that although cats can recognize their owner’s voice, they don’t...

Everyone knows that kitties are adorable (or at least they should!). But did you know that there are so many benefits you would notice if you were a cat owner? Here, we will go through some of the pros of owning a cat and the most important changes you will notice if you decide to...